1906 - We Began

We started in 1906 as a foreign language church plant, reaching out to the German speaking immigrants of the area.

1994 - We Built

It was a God thing. We were given the property our building is currently located on, and we were able to raise the money we needed to see the then "Yakima Evangelical Church" create the space we need for worship and ministry for the community.

2018 - We Rebranded

As a church we desired a visible identity that reflects our local body, and without any distractions in culture that is often be confused about the term "Evangelical". One thing is sure: We are not ashamed of the Gospel. The term “evangelical” comes from the Greek word euangelion, meaning “the good news” or the “gospel.” As evangelicals it means we are a people of the Good News. Something we by no means desire to lose as our core belief and our core identity as people whose entire lives are built upon this truth. While the term is certainly good in itself, it can be thought of as a blanket descriptor for social and political preferences and associations that are secondary to the Gospel. We became Yakima Valley Community Church because we're called to build bridges into the community, and it's our deep desire that we shine in this way to our neighbors, whether they meet our church in person, drive by, or see us online.


At Yakima Valley Community Church we have adopted our mission to Belong, Believe, Become. For over 100 years God has empowered and equipped us to share the love of Jesus with the people of Yakima. We started in 1906 as a foreign language church plant, reaching out to the German speaking immigrants of the area. Over the last 100 years, YVC Church has changed names and locations, but has continued to be fueled by the love of Jesus. Sharing the full Gospel of Christ with the people that God blesses us to interact with. We are not in this by ourselves. We desire to partner with other local churches and organizations to see people transformed by Jesus. We are also connected to over 135 churches across the United States and mission fields throughout the world through our membership with The Evangelical Church Of North America. (http://theevangelicalchurch.org)