
Serving the youngest members of our church from birth - 5th Grade.

Please take a couple moments and look over our page, along with some common Q&A on things pertaining Kid's Ministry:


The Heart of Rock City Ministries:

We believe that our kids are the church of today, and not merely the the church of the future. We see a young generation that doesn’t “do” religion but knows relationship (Ephesians 3:17-18). Children 100% sold out for God, CONVINCED that what He says is true (John 14:6). Our hearts long to see a generation convinced that they can do all things through Christ, taking God’s word at his truest and simplest form (Philipians 4:13). We see passionate worshipers (Exodus 34:14), prayer warriors (Luke 18:1) and people of grace and devotion at a young age (Titus 2:11-13). Our hearts long to see a young generation, truly surrendering all they are, for the cause of the cross (Galatians 2:20). A young generation unashamedly sharing the truth of Jesus (Romans 1:16)...

What We See:

Teachers whose hearts are dissatisfied with luke-warm Christianity (Revelation 2:4). Who are ready to equip and encourage the children to know the reality of God, and to fall in love with him for themselves (Luke 10:27). Teachers who are truly chasing after God’s own heart and letting him pour into them as they pour into kids (1 Kings 8:10-11). We believe God has anointed and brought up leaders who have a radical passion for this coming generation (Jeremiah 1:5). God has chosen and is preparing His workers for the great harvest (John 4:35). We see Yakima Valley Community Church bringing up Kids who are uncontrollably in love with God (Romans 2:13).

Q: Is My Child Safe?

A: YES! Security is a main concern for us (as many of us are parents as well). We use the Kid Check security software. We also do background checks on all of our children's workers.

Q: What is my child learning?

A: Your child is learning a Bible-based, age-appropriate lesson in an incredibly fun and engaging environment.

Q: Is there a place for my infant?

A: YES. We have a fantastic nursery, staffed with loving and caring workers for children 0-2 years old. Offered from 9:30AM To Just Post Church On Sunday.

Q: Are my kids in Children's Church the whole service?

A: Our Children's service is the full worship hour. This gives them time for their own worship through song and teaching. This is also helpful for security purposes.

Q: Can I keep my child with me in the service?

A: Yes. We encourage them to go to Children's Church since it is a fun, dynamic learning environment. However, we believe that the parent has the final say on his/her child.